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Banco Galicia uses AI and NLP to transform financial services


Banco Galicia uses AI and NLP to transform financial services

Banco Galicia, one of Argentina’s leading private banks, serves 150,000 businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. To accelerate the process of verifying a business client’s financial and legal documents, the bank turned to natural language processing (NLP) for a faster, AI-based approach.

Working with Red Hat Consulting and open source AI tools from the Open Data Hub (ODH) project, Banco Galicia built an intelligent, 100% digital NLP platform that cut verification times from days to minutes.

With Red Hat® OpenShift® as the platform’s foundation, its models can be deployed in any container—across on-premise, public cloud, private cloud or edge infrastructure—giving the bank freedom and flexibility as they retrain models and extend their success to other business areas.

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About Red Hat Innovation Awards 2023:
Through the Red Hat® Innovation Awards program, Red Hat recognizes customers who have come up with exciting new ideas. This year, we honor four winners who took those big ideas and turned them into bold projects and outstanding technological achievements. Their stories show what’s possible when teams work together using an open source approach. Learn more about their achievements here:

#RedHat #InnovationAwards #NLP

Date: May 15, 2023