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Canary deployments for workloads in GKE


Canary deployments for workloads in GKE

Application Deployment and testing strategies →

It’s time to roll out a new version of your app in Google Kubernetes Engine. However, there is a risk when there is a lot of change. How can you reduce the risk involved with your software deployments to Kubernetes? Watch how Barbara, a Customer Engineer at Google, reduces risk using the release pattern of canary deployments. Discover the ability to test new app versions, live production traffic, and roll back quickly if your users experience issues.

0:00 – Intro
0:35 – Workload deployment strategies
1:52 – Why implement canary deployments?
2:16 – Testing pattern – visual representation
4:17 – Wrap up

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#GKE #CanaryDeployment

Date: July 12, 2022