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Hot Fix: Securing the Vulnerable Images with Copa – Prerit Munjal, Independent


Hot Fix: Securing the Vulnerable Images with Copa - Prerit Munjal, Independent

Hot Fix: Securing the Vulnerable Images with Copa – Prerit Munjal, Independent

Vulnerabilities are pervasive, and no image can claim to be 100% secure. According to the 2023 survey by Sysdig 87% of Container Images in Production Have Critical or High-Severity Vulnerabilities. Detecting vulnerabilities is one challenge, but the solutions often take an extended period to implement. Once detected, the question arises: Do we need to go upstream for a full rebuild? What if the vulnerabilities are inherited from base images several levels deep or it originated from a third-party tool that isn’t under our maintenance? In this enlightening session, join Prerit as he navigates the process of applying patches to images instantly using Copa a tool that leverages scanners like Trivy to provide real-time updates on exposed vulnerabilities, downloading the updates and applying a hot fix to the affected image using buildkit. Prerit will delve into the intricacies of addressing vulnerabilities promptly, exploring scenarios where Rego Files can be employed to filter specific vulnerabilities.

Date: May 1, 2024