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Lightning Talk: Shipping an Open Service – Evan Anderson, Stacklok


Lightning Talk: Shipping an Open Service - Evan Anderson, Stacklok

Lightning Talk: Shipping an Open Service – Evan Anderson, Stacklok

Running your own open source and consuming software as a service feel like two different ends of a software continuum. But, as a software producer, the two can be closer than you might think. At Stacklok, we’ve open-sourced Minder, our tool for managing supply chains at scale. Partially, this was because we deeply believe that open source is the right thing to do. But there are also good business and technical reasons to offer both self-hosted open source and a software service — and it’s not as painful as you might think. In this session, Evan Anderson will explain the key principles behind Minder’s design, as well as how being open source has helped the project move faster (and where it hasn’t!).

Date: May 3, 2024