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NetApp INSIGHT 2023 – Day 2 Keynote: Building a modern data infrastructure for intelligent workloads


NetApp INSIGHT 2023 - Day 2 Keynote: Building a modern data infrastructure for intelligent workloads

Building a data infrastructure for modern workloads like AI requires intelligence from top to bottom. You need cutting-edge flash in your data center, enterprise-grade storage on the cloud, versatile data protection, and a laser focus on operational efficiency.

Join Harv Bhela, EVP and Chief Product Officer and Haiyan Song, EVP, CloudOps as they walk through our latest innovations in flash, first-party cloud storage, cyber resilience, CloudOps, and AI from #NetAppINSIGHT 2023. We have a few surprises, some amazing real-world examples, a few buzzwords, and a cornucopia of hybrid multicloud magic unlike any the world has ever seen!

Learn more:

Date: November 1, 2023