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Course Launch – 27 Crucial E-Mail Conversations in the IT industry |The art of writing Good E-mails|


Course Launch - 27 Crucial E-Mail Conversations in the IT industry |The art of writing Good E-mails|

-If you are someone who is planning to work in the IT industry or you are someone who is already working in some IT role, and if you are curios to know how different people working in the projects would communicate with each other over emails on daily basis to exchange critical information to get the job done, this course is for you, 

–  The task could be as simple as asking for some help over email to solve an issue when a server is experiencing some problem or

–  Requesting a Vendor over email to help you with some application deployment.

–  Engaging the team to solve a critical application down issue etc.

This course will help you to understand the most important topics people would discuss in the IT environments to deal/solve the critical issues over emails.

This course will help you prepared on how you need to communicate with others working in IT environments and what language needs to be used while sending emails to Vendors, Partners, Colleagues, Managers, Technical Teams, etc.

This course will not only guide you to write great emails in IT industry but it will also open doors to some technical knowledge that can help you to understand more about how things work in the IT environments.

Course Details: 27 Crucial E-Mail Conversations in the IT industry


Here is the link to download Top 150 Citrix Interview questions and answers

My Citrix L1 and L2 courses with real time scenarios are available now to learn.


Date: August 19, 2022