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FoodHub: Enabling Massive Scale Order Processing with Serverless Architecture


FoodHub: Enabling Massive Scale Order Processing with Serverless Architecture

Learn how FoodHub enables massive scale order processing with Serverless architecture. The architecture includes AWS Amplify SDK deployed on ePOS and AppSync to synchronize the orders across ePOS machines for auto-healing architecture. For FoodHub, it’s important to process massive volume of orders during particular hours of the day. Serverless architecture with Lambda Resolvers and Amazon DynamoDB helps them address the spike in order volume. FoodHub also gives real-time insights to Restaurant owners with the help of Amazon Kinesis, S3 and Amazon Quicksight.

Check out more resources for architecting in the #AWS​​​ cloud:

#AWS #AmazonWebServices #CloudComputing #ThisIsMyArchitecture

Date: October 25, 2022