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Lightweight and High-Performance Microservices with Dapr and WasmEdge – Michael Yuan, WasmEdge


Lightweight and High-Performance Microservices with Dapr and WasmEdge - Michael Yuan, WasmEdge

Lightweight and High-Performance Microservices with Dapr and WasmEdge – Michael Yuan, WasmEdge

Dapr (CNCF incubation project) is a widely used runtime framework for microservices. WasmEdge (CNCF sandbox project) provides a lightweight, portable and secure application runtime for microservices. The Dapr and WasmEdge communities have worked together to make Dapr services accessible from WasmEdge applications. In this talk, I will discuss the WasmEdge Dapr SDK project. On one hand, it allows a Dapr cluster to mix and match different types of microservices — long running microservices in Linux containers and lightweight/transitory microservices in WasmEdge. On the other hand, it makes over 100 Dapr integrated services including databases, state stores, network proxies, and message queues, available to WasmEdge applications without needing to build additional SDKs.

Date: December 8, 2023