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Sponsored Session: Cassandra on Steroids – Alex Berkoff, Azul


Sponsored Session: Cassandra on Steroids - Alex Berkoff, Azul

Sponsored Session: Cassandra on Steroids – Alex Berkoff, Azul

Apache Cassandra® is a NoSQL distributed data base written in Java and designed for reliability and high scalability. Data nodes are spread across lots of commodity servers and information is kept in-memory for fast read and write response times. Because Cassandra is built in Java, it is subject to the limitations and performance hiccups associated with traditional Java Virtual Machines (JVMs) – including slower response time outliers, frequent Java garbage collections, out of memory errors and system hangs.

This session will cover how Azul’s runtimes allows Cassandra to run smoothly, free of Java-related performance glitches and hangs – including removing garbage collection issues and delivering consistent response times for improved code performance and faster warm up.

Date: December 18, 2023