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Spreading Apps, Controlling Traffic & Managing Costs in Kubernetes – Lukonde Mwila, AWS


Spreading Apps, Controlling Traffic & Managing Costs in Kubernetes - Lukonde Mwila, AWS

Spreading Apps, Controlling Traffic & Managing Costs in Kubernetes – Lukonde Mwila, AWS

Nobody likes the idea of unscheduled downtime, downgraded performance, or high costs due to unforeseen traffic demands. However, the solutions to these challenges aren’t always straightforward. Typically, the first response would be to spread your application for high availability (HA). However, you have to consider how traffic will be balanced in such topologies. How will you manage cross-zone or cross-regional traffic costs? Furthermore, some zones or regions may experience higher levels of traffic in comparison to others. How can you optimize your load-balancing strategy to match this? If that’s not enough, you also have to think about the underlying computing resources. Are you able to automatically scale your cluster to match the changing needs of your workloads with scheduling constraints like anti-affinity? Lastly, how will you manage costs and prevent compute overhead when scaling your cluster in different zones or regions? In this talk, Lukonde Mwila will walk through these challenges and share how teams can overcome them. He’ll also demonstrate how to use pod anti-affinity, Istio’s locality-aware load balancing, and Karpenter’s workload consolidation to address these issues.

Date: June 1, 2023